The ScrollUp Ads will have different text under the pop-up: “Powered by ScrollUp”, “Brought to you by ScrollUp”, “You’ve received a premium offer from ScrollUp” or “Ads by ScrollUp”. When installed, the ScrollUp browser extension will display advertising banners, pop-up advertisements and in-text ads, stating that they are brought to you by ScrollUp. Though this may sound like a useful service, the ScrollUp program can be intrusive and will display ads whether you want them to or not. ScrollUp is advertised as a program that will allow you to easily browse the Internet. To make matters worse, you will also find that this adware will cause your computer to act more sluggish or for your web browser to freeze. When you browse the web while this adware is installed, ScrollUp will display intrusive and unwanted ads onto web sites that make it difficult to read the content of the site. ScrollUp (from is an adware program that injects advertisements onto web pages while browsing the web.